Erase Years Off Your Face with an Eyelid Lift by Dr. Lavey

For most of our patients who visit us here at our Danville facial rejuvenation practice, droopy eyelids is often one of the concerns they’d like to improve. By and large, they’ll ask about the facelift procedure for such concern. However, after a thorough consultation with Dr. Lavey, an eyelid lift becomes the procedure of choice for baggy skin in both upper and lower eyelids.

Increase in Demand

Eyelid surgery has been around for a while but the demand for the procedure skyrocketed last year. In fact, it ranked third in the top 5 surgical cosmetic procedures for 2013, up by 5.4 percent from that of 2012. In addition, another interesting trend is that there were more facial rejuvenation procedures, both surgical and least invasive,  done in 2013 than than of 2012. It looks like more people are now more conscious of how they look. Perhaps, it has to do with the selfie trend too!

What an Eyelid Lift Can Do For You

Although there’s no doubt that an eyelid lift is effective in erasing years off your face, not all cosmetic issues that has to do with the eyes and the area surrounding it can be remedied with an eyelid lift. By and large, the procedure can specifically reduce the appearance of the following:

  • Remove puffiness in the eyelids
  • Reposition or remove excess fat around the eyes
  • Remove sagging or loose skin which could impede peripheral vision (this is when an eyelid lift becomes medically necessary)

Meanwhile, an eyelid lift may not help you if:

  • you want to reduce the appearance of crow’s feet or those wrinkles in the outermost corners of your eyes; Botox may be more appropriate for this concern
  • you want to improve sagging eyebrows; a forehead or brow lift is often the procedure of choice for this type of concern
  • you want to reduce the appearance of dark undereye circles

Your Personalized Eyelid Lift Surgery Plan by Dr. Lavey

Let us help you come up with personalized eyelid lift surgery plan! Call 925.820.3633 or fill out this contact form to set up an appointment. We look forward to your visit!


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