Author Archive | Charan Langton

What Really Works Against Forehead Lines

The appearance of unsightly forehead lines is a common issue that men and women want to address. Some people get vertical lines between the brows (also known as the dreaded elevens) while others find themselves stuck with horizontal lines across the forehead. “I’ve tried almost everything to get rid of them but I’m not seeing […]

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Deciding on a Liquid Facelift: Is It For You?

A standard facelift procedure remains the gold standard in facial rejuvenation. Yet certain factors may hinder you from having the procedure including your existing state of health, elasticity of your facial skin, and the costs of surgery. Fortunately, you can choose to go the non-surgical route with a liquid facelift instead!  What’s a liquid facelift? […]

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Post-Surgery – How to Reduce Recovery Times

With every form of cosmetic surgery performed today, patients are likely to experience swelling and bruising to one extent or another. This is simply the body’s reaction to the trauma of surgery and is perfectly natural and normal. Still, you want the quickest recovery you can have. There is a right way and a wrong […]

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How to Spot a Poor Quality Surgeon

Unless you’re a cosmetic surgeon yourself, it can be tricky evaluating the qualifications and criteria of a prospective surgeon. This is precisely why far too many patients fall prey to the nation’s substandard surgeons each year, having mistakenly put their faith in a so-called professional who was anything but. At Elliott Lavey, we’re all about […]

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Ear Augmentation – Surprisingly Simple, Always Effective

The human ear is remarkable, not just in its function in hearing, but also in the outer ear itself. Just like the fingerprints, no two people have identical ears. While this makes each of us wonderfully human, a “unique” ear shape can make some people self-conscious and affect their self-image. Plus, as we age, the […]

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Dermal Fillers – What to Expect After a Session

Dermal fillers are among the simplest, safest, and most accessible cosmetic treatments, which is precisely why millions turn to them to achieve a more youthful look. What’s really great is the way this non-surgical procedure delivers a near-instant effect and how that effect can be tailored exactly to reflect the requests of each patient and […]

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The Art of Asking During Personal Consultations in Plastic Surgery

When you’re considering plastic surgery, it pays to make a well-informed decision rather than a hastily made arrangement with your plastic surgeon. Doing so will ensure that desired outcomes and expectations of the surgery will be achieved. A well-thought-out decision involves thorough research on your end and personal consultations with several surgeons to figure out […]

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What You Can Do About Crow’s Feet

The skin in the areas surrounding the eyes is ultra thin. This makes the skin susceptible to the development of crow’s feet, those tiny wrinkles and lines on the outermost corners of the eyes. Fortunately, you can actually reduce or soften their appearance and dramatically smooth out the eye area. Below are three cosmetic options […]

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Are You Too Old or Too Young to Have Plastic Surgery?

People wonder if they’re too young or too old to have plastic surgery. Should a 17-year-old undergo breast augmentation? Can a 70-year old benefit from a facelift? There’s no definitive answer to these questions. Generally, there are several factors to carefully consider when talking about the appropriateness of age in plastic surgery. Emotional Maturity In […]

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3 Clues That Your Eyelids Need a Lift

The breasts and lower body have been given a lot of attention these days — breast augmentation and the Brazilian butt lift are two of the most popular cosmetic surgeries. However, the eyelids are frequently overlooked when it comes to ways to improve one’s appearance through cosmetic surgery. If the eyes are the windows to […]

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