One of the best things in life, they say, come in pairs. When it comes to plastic surgery, there’s truth to such claim as combining plastic surgery treatments is now a growing trend. In fact, here at our Bay Area cosmetic surgery practice, men and women have benefited greatly in procedures that are performed together to get the most desirable results possible.
Benefits of Plastic Surgery Combination Treatments
By and large, we understand that your decision to have plastic surgery stems from your desire to correct a physical flaw or improve physical appearance. During your consultation with Dr. Lavey, your personal goals and concerns will be discussed. A thorough physical examination will also follow. Based on his expertise and experience, he will recommend the procedure that will suit you well and a combination of plastic surgery treatments may be one of his recommendations.
Although the benefits of plastic surgery will vary depending on the procedure that is combined, the following are its general benefits:
You can expect optimum and enhanced results when combining procedures. There are procedures which cannot help you achieve the desired results if done alone. A perfect example would be a patient who wants to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines all over her face. While a facelift can help get rid of the sagging facial skin and folds, an eyelid lift may be done as well to improve the appearance of droopy eyelids which can also make one look older.
Recovery times will most likely be shortened when combining procedures. This option is perfect for individuals who are looking into reducing downtime following surgery.
Overall cost is also reduced when combining procedures such as anesthesia costs, operating room costs, and doctor fees.
An important step when trying to make the decision to have combination plastic surgery treatments is to get in touch with Dr. Lavey for a personal consultation and assessment. Call us at 925.820.3633 or fill out this contact form to set up an appointment. We look forward to your visit!
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