Purple, blue, and red squiggly lines running about on your legs is about as welcome as having the assistant principal attend the prom for your high school student. Spider veins and small leg veins can make you downright hesitant to put on shorts or a skirt, and that’s a crime in sunny California! Dr. Lavey […]
Archive | Sclerotherapy

Winter is Time To Bid Adieu to Spider Veins
Spiderman has spider veins. He’s not too concerned about them. But think about it — he wears a suit over his entire body the entire time he’s out fighting crime. The rest of us have to deal with the purple, blue, or red little squiggly lines coursing around just under the surface of our skin. […]

Let Marvel Deal with Spider Stuff, Not Your Legs
It seems you can’t turn around these days without coming across the latest superhero movie. In that vein, surely the next Spiderman rendition is coming to a theater near you. If only those tiny red and blue squiggly lines on your legs and face would go with the webslinger. Spider veins. Ugh. As you get […]

Get Rid of Those Pesky Spider Veins
Once we get to a certain age, we all have them — those twisty, purple, blue, or red veins showing themselves under our skin on our legs, chest, and face. Their twisting path is the root of their name, not some comic book dude who was bitten by a radioactive spider. Spider veins, while not […]

Do You Still Believe in These Vein Treatment Myths?
The job of your veins is to carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart for oxygenation. It’s not uncommon for some veins to become swollen or enlarged, though, becoming varicose veins and spider veins. Usually, these veins are simply viewed as unattractive, but sometimes they can become quite painful. At Dr. Lavey’s practice, we’ve heard […]
Why Varicose Veins Are More Prominent In Some Individuals
By and large, varicose veins are a result of damaged or weak valves in your veins (the blood vessels that are responsible in carrying blood towards the heart for oxygenation). The valves in your veins act as one-way flaps that prevent blood from going backwards due to gravity as it moves up your legs. Here […]