The Ideal Candidate for Breast Reduction

breast reductionEverywhere you look — from social media to magazines to reality TV shows — it seems everyone either has or wants larger breasts. In fact, breast augmentation remained as one of the most frequently performed cosmetic surgeries in America over the past decade. Given these facts, many are surprised that there are women out there who want to reduce the size of their naturally large breasts.

Who are these women? The ideal candidate for breast reduction surgery typically has the following issues:

  • Chronic pain in the neck, back, and head resulting from poor posture caused by disproportionately large breasts
  • Breathing difficulties as the heaviness of large breasts can put extra weight on the chest muscles
  • Skin irritation beneath the breasts and painful shoulder grooves due to poorly fitting bras

Anyone who is considering breast reduction surgery should be generally in good health and have realistic expectations for the procedure. Having stable body weight for the past six months is also important as weight fluctuations may significantly affect breast size. If you’re considering breast reduction and have plans of giving birth and breastfeeding in the future, it is best that you inform Dr. Lavey about it. If you smoke, you’ll need to quit for a few weeks prior to your surgery because cigarette smoke has been shown to delay healing and increase the risk of surgical complications.

For an in-depth discussion about breast reduction, call us at 925.820.3633 to schedule an appointment. We look forward to your visit!

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