You might want to reconsider your options. Here at our Bay Area cosmetic surgery practice, men and women seek Dr. Lavey’s expertise to help reshape their bodies after massive weight loss or childbirth. However, there are still a few patients who are quite misled about what each plastic surgery procedure can and cannot do for them.
Ideal Candidates of Liposuction
One of the most common misperceptions in plastic surgery is liposuction as a weight-loss tool. We have noticed here at our practice that liposuction is one of the procedures that is commonly asked about whenever a patient wants to lose weight. Dr. Lavey would like to point out that liposuction is actually a body-contouring procedure. Specifically, it is designed to remove unwanted pockets of fat in your upper arms, chest, chin, cheeks, neck, abdomen, thighs,hips, buttocks, and knees.
By and large, we recommend liposuction for men and women who:
- are within their ideal weight
- have firm, elastic skin
- physically healthy and free of health risks
- has realistic expectations of the procedure
What to Choose Instead of Liposuction to Lose Weight
If you’re looking into losing weight, it may be best for you to turn to diet and exercise to help you get rid of the extra pounds. Once you’ve reach your ideal weight and still have problems with pockets of fat in certain body areas, this is when liposuction may be employed.
For most people, diet and exercise may not be enough. Fortunately, you can opt to have bariatric surgery in which the doctor will remove or manipulate a portion of your digestive organs to make you feel full earlier than usual and consequently consume lesser amounts of food.
Finding a Liposuction Surgeon in Bay Area and neighboring areas
If you want to figure out whether or not liposuction is ideal for your needs and preferences, we invite you to you get in touch with us for a personal consultation. Call us at 925.820.3633 or fill out this contact form to set up an appointment. We look forward to your visit!
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