Dermal fillers are among the simplest, safest, and most accessible cosmetic treatments, which is precisely why millions turn to them to achieve a
more youthful look. What’s really great is the way this non-surgical procedure delivers a near-instant effect and how that effect can be tailored exactly to reflect the requests of each patient and their unique skin contours.
In terms of what to expect after coming in for a session, the good news is that, as a simple outpatient procedure, you’ll be able to return to normal life immediately. There may be a little residual swelling after the injections have been performed. This may be slightly visible and a little uncomfortable for a couple days. Swelling may be followed by minor bruising which varies depending on your age, skin type, and the extent of the procedure itself. Again, this should clear up in a few days.
After your procedure and for the next week or so, you should stay away from all pain-killing medications and supplements that may have a blood-thinning effect because these will increase healing time and make any bruising more noticeable.
After a week or two there should be little to no evidence of the procedure itself, other than the gloriously rejuvenating effect that can last anywhere from six months to several years!
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