Facial aging is a result of a combination of factors. Although some of these factors are beyond your control (genetics, for one), the good news is you can actually do something to reverse other factors and take years off your face. A forehead lift by Dr. Lavey is one of the cosmetic surgery options that men and women alike can utilize to address their facial aging concerns.
Who Is It For
A brow lift surgery is perfect for those who are particularly bothered by hooded brows. The appearance of deep furrows and creases may also be softened with this procedure.
You might want to try this simple exercise at home. While in front of a mirror, put your hands just above the brows and the outer edges of your eyes. If you like what you see, a forehead lift may be all you need for a fresher, more rested look!
You should be free from uncontrolled health issues before giving forehead lift a go. In addition, having realistic expectations is a must. A brow lift can certainly make you look more relaxed and younger but it won’t make you look like you’re 16 again.
Nothing beats a candid discussion with Dr. Lavey when it comes to planning for your forehead lift and finding out whether or not it’s the exact procedure to help achieve your cosmetic goals. A personal consultation will also help pinpoint the right forehead lift technique that will suit your situation.
We’d love to provide you with detailed information and answer all of your questions concerning a forehead lift. Call 925.820.3633 or fill out our contact form to set up an appointment.
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