Every year when the statistics come out for plastic surgery procedures performed in the United States liposuction is in the top three. When you consider the increasing girth of the average American this makes sense, although liposuction is not a weight loss procedure. Still, just about everyone has pockets of unwanted fat that don’t respond […]
Author Archive | Charan Langton

Let Marvel Deal with Spider Stuff, Not Your Legs
It seems you can’t turn around these days without coming across the latest superhero movie. In that vein, surely the next Spiderman rendition is coming to a theater near you. If only those tiny red and blue squiggly lines on your legs and face would go with the webslinger. Spider veins. Ugh. As you get […]

Body Contouring, Combination of Procedures
When a person has lost a large amount of weight, either through a serious diet and exercise regimen or through bariatric surgery, they can be left with sagging, loose skin all over their body. Having done the hard work of losing the weight, now they are depressed by how their skin didn’t return to its […]

Do You Wonder Which City Has the Most Plastic Surgeons?
You would assume some places are crawling with plastic surgeons — Manhattan, Beverly Hills, Dallas, L.A., Phoenix, to name a few. Surely, not little old Danville! OK, so what cities would you guess have the most plastic surgeons? But let’s do this per capita, meaning not the sheer number of plastic surgeons in a city, […]

Plumping Those Lips
Plump, full lips are a universal sign of beauty. But very few women are lucky enough genetically to have them. Look around at a bunch of women and few, if any, Angelina Jolie-esque lips can be seen. But Dr. Elliott can give you those lips with lip enhancement and rejuvenation procedures. Here are some of […]

Putting More Junk in the Trunk
If you’re old enough, you remember the days when Kate Moss was a big-time supermodel, complete with heroin addict-esque, anorexic looks and no shape. For some reason, the perceived ideal for female looks was skinny and shapeless. Thankfully those days are over. Now, models are encouraged to have a feminine figure. The hourglass is back. […]

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions — Breasts Augmentation Choices
The decision to have breast augmentation isn’t one to take lightly. It is, after all, a surgical procedure with all that goes with it. Plus, augmentation is a life-changing event. Your profile will forever change, and that’s the most exciting part for most women. Whether you’ve always felt your breasts were not proportional to the […]

The Eyes Have It
Gazing deeply into his eyes, she knew her future… Well, not if her droopy eyelids made him think she was mad or depressed or bored. The eyes are the windows to the soul, or so they say. But aging isn’t kind to these windows. Droopy lids, bags, fat deposits, puffiness. Where’s the window washer when […]

A Tale of Four Fillers
Not many words are as accurately descriptive as the term “dermal filler.” These miracles of the aesthetic world are used to “fill” wrinkles from beneath. Fillers work on what are known as static wrinkles. These are the wrinkles that are on display at all times. The other type of wrinkle is known as dynamic and […]

Understanding Injectables
Time owns everyone. There’s no stopping its relentless march; a person can only hope to slow it down! When Dr. Lavey’s patients are looking for a non-surgical solution, he offers a variety of injectables to push back the aging process. But there are quite a few options out there and our patients sometimes are confused […]